Continuing from the first half for this year, there are a couple games I was unable to play or couldn't include. I was going to include SNK's Ironclad, but it was made for the Neogeo CD, a home console, and never got an arcade release. To counterbalance that, because of health complications, I haven't been able to go to the arcades I need to, which is the only way for me to play almost all of Capcom's Marvel licensed games, meaning I can't include X-Men vs. Street Fighter. If only the lawyers would let us have those games on home consoles again.
Yeah while I was getting this post ready, Capcom announced a new fighting collection with every Marvel fighting game and their Punisher game for good measure. It's kind of cheating the premise that I'm playing each of these games by order of release, but once I get that collection, I'll edit my thoughts on each one into previous posts and try to get back into the mindset of their respective year when playing them. I doubt any of them are going to change any of the winners of the year.
For now, we're in 1996 and SNK brought back their crossover fighting game idea in a big way.